We must defeat Donald Trump. The first step is a primary contest that produces a strong Democratic nominee. The second step is winning the general election. We will not accept anything less. To ensure this outcome, I pledge to:
1️⃣ Make the primary constructive. We'll make the primary election about our hopes for the future, and a robust debate of values, vision and the contest of ideas. We’ll remain grounded in our shared values, even if we support different candidates.
2️⃣ Rally behind the winner. We'll support the ultimate Democratic nominee, whomever it is -- period. No Monday morning quarterbacking. No third-party threats.
3️⃣ Do the work to beat Trump. We’re the grassroots army that’s going to power the nominee to victory, and we’ll show up to make calls, knock doors, and do whatever it takes.
This is an important start to a long primary. Indivisible is committed to engaging in this primary from now through the convention, pushing on issues that the grassroots cares about and holding candidates accountable. We’re going to work to make this a healthy, constructive primary that identifies a candidate who can build a powerful, diverse coalition and ultimately win.