Urge Democrats to turn out against the GOP budget during March recess

House Republicans just voted for a budget proposal that would kick millions off of Medicaid, food assistance, housing, and other lifesaving programs to fund tax breaks to make the richest even richer. Now, they need to actually figure out how to turn their unconscionable plan into reality -- and hope that voters in their districts are too distracted to realize they've been sold out so that Trump, Musk, and their billionaire allies can get even richer.

We have a limited window of time to mobilize constituents and ramp up the pressure on Republicans until they’re forced to back down. Indivisibles are gearing up for the next Congressional recess (March 15-23) to make Republicans pay a political price for this vote, but we need Democrats to commit to holding public actions as well:

  • First, we’re calling on them to host local town halls to demonstrate to their constituents that they’re doing everything they can to block, obstruct and disrupt Republicans’ plans to ram through the Trump Tax Scam. 
  • In addition to hosting their own town hall, we’re also asking Dem representatives to call out Republican MoC in a neighboring district, and Dem senators to target Republican districts within their state, by adopting these districts and taking part in an empty chair town hall. 

Send your email now and urge your Democratic Member of Congress to show up and take action with us during the March recess.

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The email to your Members of Congress:

House Republicans just voted for a budget framework that would gut Medicaid, food assistance, and education to pay for tax cuts for billionaires. This is an all-out attack on working families, and I was grateful to see every single House Democrat vote against it.

Now, I am calling on you to take this fight directly to your constituents by holding public events during March recess. Specifically, I urge you and fellow Democrats to take action by:

  • Hosting public town halls: Every single Democratic Member of Congress must hold a town hall in order to educate the public on what's really at stake in this fight, and show they are the party committed to fighting for working people over billionaires. 
  • Attending empty chair town halls being organized in red districts: If Republicans are dodging their constituents, Democrats must also fill the void by participating in empty chair town halls, to rally opposition and make this budget politically toxic on Republican's home turf.

This recess is our opportunity to sound the alarm for the millions of Americans who rely on these programs to put food on their table and provide access to a doctor when they’re sick. I call on every Democrat to start planning in-district actions now and publicize them so Indivisibles can show our support.

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