Tell your Republican Representative You Don’t Want To Pay The Price For Their Billionaire Tax Breaks

Republicans in Congress are trying to ram through the Trump Tax Scam, their tax plan that sells out everyday Americans to help billionaires like Elon Musk get even richer. They’re using budget reconciliation – a wonky process that would allow them to pass legislation with only Republican votes – to ram through their top priorities: giving the ultra-wealthy trillions of dollars in tax breaks and expecting the rest of us to foot the bill. 

They’re planning to slash funding to Medicaid, SNAP, early education programs, and countless other programs that working families rely on in order to give billionaires massive handouts. Hardworking, everyday Americans shouldn’t be paying more in taxes than Elon Musk, but under the Trump Tax Scam, they’re the ones that shoulder most of the burden. 

We cannot just let Trump and the Republicans get away with gutting these vital programs. They want to fleece the American people so billionaires can buy another private jet or luxury yacht and they must be held accountable. 

Fill out the form (consider adding a personal message!) to send an email to your Republican representative expressing your opposition.

The email to your Republican representative:

Dear Representative,

I am outraged that House Republicans are looking to cut Medicaid, SNAP, and other critical programs in order to give massive tax breaks to the rich.

Republicans are taking food away from children and denying health care to those who need it most so that billionaires can get even richer.

This is unacceptable. Hardworking Americans should not be paying the price for these handouts. I demand you stand up for your constituents, not Trump’s billionaire friends.

[Your name]

Email your representative

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    ?Congress’ email system requires a prefix of Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Dr. to deliver your emails. This is an absurd non-inclusive policy we oppose and we welcome anyone to use 'Dr.' if the limited gendered prefixes don't apply to you.