Demand Senator Durbin do his job and investigate SCOTUS corruption

Recently, there have been reports of two separate incidents where Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew flags indicating support for the January 6th insurrection above his homes. He was displaying his loyalty to the MAGA Movement for his whole neighborhood to see at the same time that the Supreme Court was considering whether or not to take up Trump’s election challenge lawsuit. And now, the Supreme Court is about to release decisions on two more cases related to January 6th, including whether or not Trump has immunity for his role in inciting the whole thing.

It’s clear that Alito cannot be a fair and impartial arbiter of the law. In fact, our democracy is in danger the longer he is on the bench. He cannot be allowed to rule on any cases related to Trump -- especially if there’s an election challenge that makes it to the Court this November.

We need Senator Durbin, as chair of the Judiciary Committee, to lead a thorough investigation to hold Alito accountable. He called on Alito to recuse himself, but Alito refused. He requested a meeting with Chief Justice Roberts, but Roberts also refused.

It comes as no surprise that they didn’t voluntarily cooperate, and so it should not be the end of Durbin’s efforts. He has to step up and subpoena both Alito and Roberts to continue the investigation.

Fill out this form right now and to email Senator Durbin. Let him know that you’re outraged by the corruption on the Supreme Court and that you expect him to do what’s necessary to investigate corruption on the court, by subpoenaing Justices Alito and Roberts.

Email Text:

I’m an Illinois constituent and I am counting on you to do your job as the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and investigate Samuel Alito for corruption.

I am outraged by the reports that Alito has publicly shown support for Donald Trump and the January 6th insurrection, especially because the Supreme Court is set to rule on cases related to January 6th, like whether or not Trump has immunity for inciting the insurrection.

We cannot trust Alito to be an impartial arbiter of the law and we cannot trust the Supreme Court while he is on the bench.

I’m disappointed that you have already declined to subpoena Alito or further investigate and I expect you to step up as chairman of the committee and do everything in your power to thoroughly investigate and hold Alito and other corrupt justices accountable. You cannot wait to act, our democracy hangs in the balance.

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