Write a Letter to the Editor About the MAGA Plan to Privatize Medicare

  • Context

    If Donald Trump wins in November, he and the MAGA Republicans are planning to fully privatize Medicare – increasing profits for private health insurers while decimating the quality of health care seniors and people with disabilities receive. 

    According to Rolling Stone, Trump intends to make Medicare Advantage, a Medicare program administered by private insurance agencies, the default program for all people who are newly eligible for Medicare. Medicare Advantage plans regularly deny coverage for essential care and services, putting patients’ health and lives at risk. In fact, patients who have Medicare Advantage are more likely to die in the month following major cancer surgeries than patients who have traditional Medicare. Republicans are willing to sacrifice the lives of some of the most vulnerable Americans, in order to use our tax dollars to pad the pockets of private insurers.

    We need to inform as many voters as possible about Donald Trump’s threat to privatize Medicare and remind folks that the stakes are too high to sit on the sidelines of the November election. 

    Submit a letter to the editor to your local paper now to let people know about Trump’s latest threats and remind them a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to take quality healthcare away from millions of seniors and people with disabilities. 

  • Talking Points

    If you would rather write your own letter to the editor and not use our sample, here are several points to be sure you hit on: 

    Donald Trump is already making plans to further the far-right MAGA agenda if reelected, including completely privatizing Medicare. 

    Trump and Republicans want to make Medicare Advantage, which is offered through private insurance companies, the default program for everyone who is newly eligible for Medicare. 

    Medicare Advantage plans deny patients’ the coverage they need for essential health care and services, and puts their lives at risk. 

    Once again Trump and MAGA Republicans are prioritizing profits over people, using our tax dollars to help private insurance companies make money instead of ensuring that Medicare recipients receive the health care they need. 

    Over 65 million Americans rely on Medicare for their health care, and over 400,000 people become newly eligible each year. Their health and lives are at stake in the November election. 

    We cannot give Trump the opportunity to completely eliminate traditional Medicare and force them all into a worse Medicare Advantage plan instead. 

    A vote for Trump is a vote to take away quality healthcare from tens of millions of Americans.

  • Writing Tips

    Focus on one topic. If you have two, write a second letter.

    Obey those word count limits. If your letter gets long, write a second letter.

    Be clear and concise—you only have around 250 words or less to make your point.

    Be yourself. You don’t need to talk like an academic or a policy expert. Remember, you’re a smart, passionate constituent who’s paying attention, one who other constituents might identify with—and that’s the most powerful thing you can be.

    For more letter writing tips, check out this resource.

  • Sample: Trump threatens to privatize Medicare
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