Donate to support housing justice

Our work relies on grassroots donations from people like you. Please consider giving a donation to our organization to help us continue the fight for housing justice in Atlanta.


Become a Sustaining Donor

Individuals can sign up to give a monthly donation to Housing Justice League to help us sustain our work. Individual donations help us to maintain autonomy and to not become reliant on foundation funding.

What is the difference between a Member and a Sustaining Donor? A member of HJL must be a resident of Georgia, attend HJL events, and can vote on decisions. A sustaining donor is not required to attend events, can live out of state and cannot vote. If you want to be involved and help shape decisions you should become a Member. If you want to support from afar, you should become a sustaining donor.

Give a one-time donation

We appreciate any support that we get. Submit a one-time donation to help us continue to develop campaigns that fight to keep families and long-time residents in their communities and prevent them from being displaced by commercial development in Atlanta.

Donate now
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