The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Trump is hiding the number of civilians the U.S. has killed. Congress must act.

May 29, 2018 at 5:12 p.m. EDT

Sarah Knuckey is an associate clinical professor of law, director of the Human Rights Clinic and faculty co-director of the Human Rights Institute at Columbia Law School. Alex Moorehead is director of the Project on Human Rights, Counterterrorism and Armed Conflict and lecturer-in-law at the institute.

Over dinner with his advisers in January 2017, freshly inaugurated President Trump made one of his first significant decisions as president by approving a military raid into Bayda, Yemen. Trump’s subsequent claim that the operation was a resounding success couldn’t have been more wrong: A Navy SEAL was killed, as were nine children under 13 years old, including a 6-year-old girl. After just a few days in office, the new president had already managed to wreak carnage.