We are ecstatic to be providing a streamlined process for you to fundraise for costs associated with your Indivisible group. Indivisible’s Distributed Fundraising program is a streamlined process for groups to fundraise without going through the hullabaloo of forming a board of directors, writing bylaws, registering as an independent organization, or seeking out 501(c)(4) status. As part of this process, we will provide you with:

  • An ActBlue community page;

  • A debit card;

  • Guidance to help you maximize your fundraising;

  • Access to the information of the people who donate;

  • And a system for reporting for your group’s spending.

Most of the money you raise through this system is going directly to what your group needs in your home turf. To cover some of the costs of supporting the program, we will keep a 10% fee, which is inclusive of the following services and fees: lawyers and an accountant to ensure the money is handled and spent legally and to fill out any necessary compliance reports; staff time to manage the vendors and provide fundraising resources; credit card processing fees through the ActBlue platform itself; and the cost of the debit cards to allow you to spend the money.

Groups have already raised thousands of dollars to support their work and we want to make sure you have the opportunity to take your group to the next level using this powerful tool. Sign up here today, and reach out to fundraising@indivisible.org with any questions.

examples of group fundraising and spending

The distributed fundraising program provides you with tools your group needs to fundraise and spend funds. Here are some real life examples of what groups have done using the program.




This resource provides ideas to spend your group’s funds effectively, as well as things to consider when planning how to spend your funds.


Because we are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, there are certain spending restrictions

You CAN spend the money on

  • Public education

  • Voter registration

  • Group building

  • Lobbying

  • Some federal political spending (requires pre-approval)

You CANNOT spend the money on

  • Drugs or alcohol

  • Personal enrichment

  • Staff or independent contractors

  • Direct contributions to campaigns, political parties, or PACs

  • State & local political work

  • Coordinated federal political work

So what exactly is political spending?

Political spending is money spent to explicitly support or oppose a candidate for an elected office. This requires pre-approval, which can be submitted here. Certain restrictions apply and can be broken down into two areas.

Type of Race

  • Federal = ALLOWED (requires pre-approval)

  • State & Local = NOT ALLOWED through this program

Type of Involvement

  • Coordinated (work with a candidate or have access to non-public information) = NOT ALLOWED

  • Independent Expenditure or IE (spending without ANY coordination with a candidate or campaign) = ALLOWED (requires pre-approval)

As a recap, political spending is only allowed for INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES on FEDERAL ELECTIONS, but requires pre-approval which can be submitted here.

Process to Participate

It is easy to participate in Indivisible's fundraising program! Just follow these six steps to get started (and see answers to all your questions in our detailed FAQ here):

  1. Complete Application Form: Select one person from your group to be the treasurer and fill out our form here.

  2. Read and Sign Indivisible's Fundraising Agreement: You will receive a link to sign Indivisible's Fundraising Agreement in a confirmation after submitting your application. Please read the agreement carefully, as there are some costs we cannot cover (such as direct donations to any political campaign, or spending related to a state or local election), other costs we’ll need your help in tracking (such as spending on federal elections in the Senate or the House), and some other basic guidelines you’ll have to follow. Once you (or your treasurer) signs the agreement, an organizer from Indivisible may call you to the confirm the information. Once your application has been approved you will receive a confirmation email.

  3. Set up ActBlue: Once your application has been approved, give us a few days to set up your ActBlue donation page. You’ll receive a message from ActBlue (support@actblue.com) with instructions once it’s live. Please check your spam folder if ActBlue isn't already one of your approved contacts.

  4. Fundraise: Begin fundraising! We have resources and campaign ideas on how to most effectively raise funds here, but get started with your own ideas right away.

  5. Activate and Use Your Debit Card: You will receive a debit card in the mail from a company called True Link. When you get your card, follow the instructions to activate it. We’ll be transferring funds to the debit card every two weeks.

  6. File a Monthly Report: Save your receipts and submit a monthly report to Indivisible with the details about your expenses each month. See here for details on reporting, and note that you must receive pre-approval for any spending related to federal political activity. Don’t forget that your group is responsible for following any state or local lobbying laws (if they exist), which may include registration and reporting if your group spends more than a certain amount of money on lobbying or asking others to lobby state or local decision-makers. Learn more about political spending here.



The process is simple! Click below to take the first step towards setting up an ActBlue Community Page account and getting a debit card with which to spend your money

Financial Reporting_NoText.png

Financial Reporting

Financial reporting makes the distributed fundraising program possible. Submit your monthly report here


Political Spending

Because we are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, there are certain things that this money cannot be spent on. Independent political spending on federal elections are permitted but require pre-approval.


Help Desk

Message our fundraising team directly to get help or answer any questions you may have about the distributed fundraising program



Learn more about our distributed fundraising program and the process to participate



Read guidance and learn about strategies to help you maximize your fundraising efforts